Through strong partnerships with local government agencies, faith-based organizations, and community groups, we provide a wide range of resources and support to address the unique health needs of our community members. Together, we are committed to creating lasting, positive impacts that will benefit individuals and families for generations to come.
Requirements for Letter of Intent (LOI) Grant Requests: The Health Care Foundation of the Oranges, Inc. (HCFO) request that all LOI submissions are prepared in the following format: (No more than three pages and no pictures please)...

Opening Paragraph: Your summary statement.
(1 paragraph)
Please answer the following: Who wants to do what? Amount being requested. Is this a portion of a larger project cost? Over what time frame is money requested for?
Statement of Need: The "why" of the project.
(1–2 paragraphs)
Explain what issue you are addressing and how it relates to the mission of HCFO.
Explain why you have chosen to respond to this set of issues in the way that you have.
State briefly why this issue is important.
State who benefits. Is it a particular age group, gender, or people in need of special accommodations.
Project Activity & Outcome: The "what" and "how" followed by the “results” and “reflection” of the project. (3 - 4 paragraphs)
Give an overview of the activities involved with details.
Indicate if there will be collaboration with other organizations and what their roles will be. (Be specific about who does what.)
State the specific outcomes you hope to achieve.
Indicate how evaluation is part of the project. How will outcomes be evaluated?
Closing (1 paragraph)
Offer to give any additional information the foundation might need. Include a contact name, contact information, email, and address.
Indicate your availability to discuss the project in person.
Provide your non-profit 501c3 tax exempt number
Have the Executive Director or other designated representative as determined by your organization to sign the LOI. Please provide the individual’s contact information along with your non-profit 501c3 tax exempt number issued by the federal government, email, and street address.
Should your award be granted please provide the proper organization's name for the check payment. Checks will be written only in the official name of the organization submitting the request.